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317L stainless steel

317L stainless steel is an austenitic low carbon alloy with 18% chromium, 11% nickel, and 3% molybdenum. It offers superior corrosion resistance in acidic environments, making it suitable for chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical applications.

317L stainless steel


1.Composition and performance of 317L stainless steel

317L stainless steel is a low-carbon, high molybdenum austenitic stainless steel with a higher alloy content than standard 316 stainless steel. The composition of 317L stainless steel typically includes the following elements:

Composition of 317L Stainless Steel:

ElementComposition (% by weight)
Chromium (Cr)18.0 – 20.0
Nickel (Ni)11.0 – 15.0
Molybdenum (Mo)3.0 – 4.0
Manganese (Mn)2.0 (max)
Silicon (Si)1.0 (max)
Carbon (C)0.03 (max)
Phosphorus (P)0.045 (max)
Sulfur (S)0.03 (max)

Performance of 317L Stainless Steel:

Performance Characteristics of 317L Stainless SteelDescription
Corrosion ResistanceExcellent resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, and chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Suitable for aggressive and corrosive environments.
High Temperature PerformanceGood high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. Suitable for elevated temperature applications.
WeldabilityExhibits good weldability with common welding methods. Proper welding procedures and post-weld heat treatment may be required to maintain corrosion resistance.
Formability and FabricationRelatively easy to form and fabricate due to its austenitic structure. Can be cold worked and hot formed. Machinable with proper techniques.
Resistance to SensitizationLow carbon content minimizes the risk of sensitization and intergranular corrosion during welding. Ensures long-term corrosion resistance.
Chemical ResistanceExcellent resistance to a wide range of acids, alkalis, and organic chemicals. Effective in handling sulfuric acid, acetic acid, and phosphoric acid.
Ductility and ToughnessExhibits good ductility and toughness, important in applications with stress or impact.
Application DiversityWidely used in chemical processing, pulp and paper, oil and gas, power generation, and other industries dealing with corrosive environments.


317L stainless steel offers several beneficial performance characteristics, making it well-suited for various industrial applications, particularly in corrosive and high-temperature environments. Here are the key performance features of 317L stainless steel:

  1. Corrosion Resistance: 317L exhibits excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of aggressive environments, including acids, alkalis, and chloride-containing solutions. Its higher molybdenum content provides enhanced resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion.

  2. High Temperature Resistance: 317L maintains its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for use in applications involving high heat and thermal cycling.

  3. Sulfuric Acid Resistance: Due to its unique chemical composition, 317L stainless steel performs exceptionally well in handling sulfuric acid and sulfur-containing environments, including applications in the chemical processing and petrochemical industries.

  4. Resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC): 317L offers good resistance to stress corrosion cracking, which is crucial for applications exposed to both corrosive media and mechanical stresses.

  5. Formability and Weldability: 317L stainless steel is readily formable and weldable, allowing for the fabrication of complex shapes and structures without compromising its corrosion resistance.

  6. Low Carbon Content: The low carbon content in 317L minimizes the risk of sensitization and intergranular corrosion, even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

  7. Stability in Oxidizing and Reducing Environments: 317L exhibits stability and resistance in both oxidizing and reducing environments, making it versatile for various industrial applications.

  8. Long-Term Durability: With its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, components made from 317L stainless steel tend to have a longer service life, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

  9. Acidic and Alkaline Resistance: 317L performs well in acidic and alkaline environments, making it suitable for applications in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Overall, 317L stainless steel is a robust material that offers superior corrosion resistance, high-temperature performance, and versatility, making it a valuable choice for applications in industries such as chemical processing, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and food processing.

2.What are the typical applications of 317L stainless steel in industries where corrosive environments are present?

904L stainless steel

317L stainless steel is widely used in various industries where corrosive environments are present. Its superior corrosion resistance makes it an ideal material choice for applications that require resistance to aggressive media. Some typical applications of 317L stainless steel in corrosive environments include:

  1. Chemical Processing Industry: 317L is extensively utilized in chemical processing plants, especially in handling corrosive chemicals, acids, and solvents. It is commonly employed in reactors, storage tanks, and piping systems where resistance to corrosion from strong acids and chlorides is critical.

  2. Pulp and Paper Industry: In the pulp and paper manufacturing process, 317L stainless steel is used for components exposed to harsh chemicals, including bleach, chlorine dioxide, and sulfuric acid. It is commonly employed in digesters, bleach towers, and other equipment that comes in contact with corrosive pulping chemicals.

  3. Desalination Plants: Due to its resistance to chloride-induced corrosion and pitting, 317L stainless steel is utilized in desalination plants where seawater is processed to produce freshwater. It is often used in evaporators, heat exchangers, and brine piping systems.

  4. Oil and Gas Industry: In offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities, 317L stainless steel is employed for components exposed to aggressive environments containing saltwater, hydrogen sulfide, and other corrosive substances. It finds applications in pipelines, separators, and other equipment.

  5. Pharmaceutical Industry: 317L is used in the pharmaceutical sector for equipment handling aggressive chemicals and cleaning agents. It is commonly employed in reactors, mixing tanks, and storage vessels.

  6. Food Processing Industry: In food processing equipment where resistance to corrosive food substances and cleaning agents is crucial, 317L stainless steel is chosen for its corrosion resistance.

  7. Wastewater Treatment Plants: In wastewater treatment facilities, 317L stainless steel is utilized for its resistance to the corrosive chemicals and environments encountered during the waste treatment process.

  8. Mining Industry: 317L stainless steel is employed in mining applications where equipment needs to withstand exposure to acidic solutions, including mineral processing equipment and tanks.

  9. Marine Applications: 317L finds use in marine applications, especially in components exposed to seawater and marine environments.

  10. Power Generation Industry: In power plants, 317L stainless steel is used in applications where resistance to high-temperature, high-pressure steam and corrosive environments is required.

Overall, 317L stainless steel’s ability to withstand aggressive and corrosive media makes it a reliable material choice for a wide range of industries where corrosion resistance and material durability are essential.

3.How does the higher molybdenum content in 317L stainless steel contribute to its superior corrosion resistance compared to other austenitic stainless steel grades?

The higher molybdenum content in 317L stainless steel plays a crucial role in providing superior corrosion resistance compared to other austenitic stainless steel grades. Molybdenum is a powerful alloying element that enhances the material’s resistance to various forms of corrosion, particularly in aggressive and corrosive environments.

  1. Pitting Corrosion Resistance: Pitting corrosion occurs as localized holes or pits on the surface of a metal when exposed to chloride ions or other aggressive substances. The higher molybdenum content in 317L forms a protective barrier, preventing the initiation and propagation of pits, making it highly resistant to pitting corrosion. This is especially important in applications where stainless steel is exposed to seawater, brackish water, or chloride-rich environments.

  2. Crevice Corrosion Resistance: Crevice corrosion arises in confined spaces, such as gaps, joints, or under deposits, where oxygen concentration is limited. The presence of molybdenum in 317L enhances its ability to withstand crevice corrosion, making it a preferred choice in industries dealing with environments prone to crevice formation.

  3. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Resistance: SCC is a type of corrosion caused by the combined action of tensile stress and a specific corrosive environment. The higher molybdenum content in 317L stainless steel significantly reduces its susceptibility to SCC, making it suitable for applications where other austenitic stainless steels might fail under similar conditions.

  4. Chloride Resistance: 317L stainless steel exhibits remarkable resistance to chloride-induced corrosion, which is a critical factor in applications exposed to chlorides, such as coastal structures, chemical processing, and desalination plants.

  5. Sulfuric Acid Resistance: Molybdenum imparts excellent resistance to sulfuric acid corrosion, making 317L stainless steel ideal for applications in industries involving sulfuric acid handling, such as chemical processing and petrochemical plants.

Overall, the higher molybdenum content in 317L stainless steel enhances its ability to withstand a wide range of corrosive environments, making it a reliable choice for various industries, including chemical processing, pulp and paper, oil and gas, and marine applications. Its superior corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it a valuable material in harsh environments where traditional austenitic stainless steels may be prone to corrosion-related failures.

4.How does 317L stainless steel compare to other stainless steel grades, such as 316 or 304, in terms of corrosion resistance and mechanical properties?

317L stainless steel exhibits superior corrosion resistance and mechanical properties compared to other stainless steel grades, such as 316 and 304, particularly in harsh and corrosive environments.

Corrosion Resistance:

  • 317L vs. 316: 317L contains higher molybdenum content (3.0-4.0%) compared to 316 stainless steel (2.0-3.0%). This higher molybdenum content in 317L provides better resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, making it more suitable for chloride-rich environments like coastal regions and marine applications.
  • 317L vs. 304: Unlike 304 stainless steel, 317L has a significantly higher content of molybdenum, which enhances its resistance to corrosion caused by chlorides and other aggressive chemicals. This makes 317L more effective in environments with exposure to corrosive acids, such as sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid.

Mechanical Properties:

  • 317L vs. 316: Both 317L and 316 stainless steel are austenitic grades and have similar mechanical properties. However, 317L may offer slightly higher tensile and yield strength due to its higher molybdenum and nitrogen content.
  • 317L vs. 304: Compared to 304 stainless steel, 317L exhibits superior mechanical properties, including higher tensile strength and better resistance to stress corrosion cracking. It is more suitable for applications that demand increased strength and toughness.

Sensitization Resistance:

  • 317L vs. 316 and 304: The lower carbon content in 317L stainless steel minimizes the risk of sensitization and intergranular corrosion during welding. Sensitization occurs in certain stainless steel grades when exposed to elevated temperatures, causing chromium depletion near grain boundaries and reducing corrosion resistance. 317L’s low carbon composition ensures excellent sensitization resistance.


  • 317L’s outstanding corrosion resistance and mechanical properties make it particularly well-suited for applications in chemical processing, pulp and paper industry, food processing, and offshore oil and gas exploration.
  • While 316 and 304 stainless steels find applications in a wide range of industries, 317L is preferred when resistance to aggressive chemical environments and corrosive media is crucial.

In summary, 317L stainless steel offers improved corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, and sensitization resistance compared to 316 and 304 stainless steel grades. Its higher molybdenum content enhances its ability to withstand harsh environments and makes it an excellent choice for applications where corrosion resistance is paramount.

5.What are the considerations for welding and fabricating components made of 317L stainless steel?

When welding and fabricating components made of 317L stainless steel, several considerations should be taken into account to ensure the best results and maintain its excellent corrosion resistance and mechanical properties:

1. Welding Process Selection: Use low heat input welding processes such as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW/TIG) or Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW/MIG). These processes minimize the risk of sensitization and maintain the material’s corrosion resistance.

2. Filler Material: Choose filler materials that match the composition of 317L stainless steel (ER317L or similar). Using the correct filler metal ensures optimal weld strength and corrosion resistance.

3. Preheating: Preheating is generally not required for 317L stainless steel. However, in thick sections or when welding in extremely cold conditions, preheating may be beneficial to prevent thermal cracking.

4. Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT): In most cases, PWHT is not necessary for 317L stainless steel. However, if the welded component is subjected to high mechanical stress or exposed to aggressive environments, a stress-relieving anneal may be recommended to reduce residual stresses and enhance corrosion resistance.

5. Weld Purging: When welding thick sections or in applications where the backside of the weld is inaccessible, weld purging with inert gas (like argon) may be used to prevent oxidation and maintain the corrosion resistance of the weld.

6. Avoid Contamination: Prevent contamination of the weld zone by ensuring the cleanliness of the workpiece, filler materials, and welding equipment. This helps avoid inclusions or defects that could compromise the weld’s integrity.

7. Fabrication and Machining: 317L stainless steel has good formability and can be readily fabricated using standard processes. However, due to its higher strength and work-hardening tendency, special attention should be given during bending and forming to prevent cracking. Proper machining techniques and tools should be used to achieve desired dimensions without affecting the material’s properties.

8. Surface Finish: Smooth surface finishes are preferable, especially in applications where cleanliness and hygiene are essential to maintain the material’s corrosion resistance.

9. Training and Expertise: Welding and fabricating 317L stainless steel require skilled personnel who are familiar with the material’s characteristics and the specific considerations for handling this alloy.

By adhering to these considerations and using appropriate welding and fabrication techniques, components made of 317L stainless steel can be manufactured with optimal corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, making them suitable for demanding applications in harsh and corrosive environments.

6.What are the factors to consider when selecting suppliers for 317L stainless steel products?

When selecting 317L stainless steel suppliers, it is essential to consider several factors to ensure you receive high-quality materials and reliable services:

Factors to ConsiderDescription
Material QualityEnsure the supplier provides genuine 317L stainless steel with the correct composition and properties. Request material certifications and testing reports.
Experience and ReputationChoose suppliers with a proven track record in supplying 317L stainless steel. Check customer reviews and references for reliability.
Certifications and StandardsVerify that the supplier meets relevant certifications and standards for consistent quality.
Product RangeSelect suppliers with a diverse range of 317L stainless steel products, including sheets, pipes, tubes, fittings, etc.
Customization CapabilitiesConsider suppliers with the ability to provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs.
On-Time DeliveryEnsure the supplier can meet delivery deadlines and inquire about their shipping and logistics processes.
Technical SupportChoose suppliers with technical expertise to assist you in selecting the right products for your application.
Price CompetitivenessCompare quotes from multiple suppliers while considering the overall value and quality of the products.
Packaging and HandlingCheck the supplier’s packaging and handling procedures to prevent damage during transit and storage.
After-Sales SupportInquire about the supplier’s after-sales support and customer service for any post-purchase inquiries or issues.
Sustainability and EthicsConsider suppliers with sustainable practices and ethical sourcing if environmental and ethical factors are important to your business.
Global ReachIf your business operates internationally, choose suppliers with a global presence and efficient supply chain management.

By carefully considering these factors, you can identify reputable suppliers of 317L stainless steel products that meet your specific requirements, ensuring the success of your projects and applications in corrosive and demanding environments.

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